"Out of the mouth of babe's" is an expression that seems to aptly apply to the new LR2. All too often the least listened to and least understood youngest members of a family can be the wisest. After all what would have happened to the McCallister house without Kevin in Home Alone! This small "babe" of the Land Rover family could represent Land Rover's survival in our states. Land Rover ,and it's big brother Range Rover ,have gone about their role as the Frazier and Niles Crane of SUV's on our shore. The "Rover" began life as so many vehicles of it's type ,including our own Jeep , in military service. Rover served the forces in England, Jeep our US forces, In Germany the Mercedes G-wagon, or the Toyota Land Cruiser in Japan. Each started as troop carriers for military use. Of these ,however, only the Land Rover, in true British fashion, worked it's way into the nomenclature of British life ,much the way Mini has succeeded in doing for British cars. Only in England would you see a rusty work worn "Rover" used as a tow truck parked behind a "Rover" used by a Duke. Our Jeep is equally loved and admired by us here, and well it should be, but it has never been used as a Presidential vehicle or the "rig" of the rich and famous. This dualistic personality of the "Rover" has been a benefit here as well. Unlike other luxury vehicles it has always exhibited that mix of "pure" off road ability and towing prowess that allows it's owners to hide behind it's burl wood and Connolly hides with the pretence of actually needing such a vehicle to reach their ranch or pull their thoroughbreds. Until the last decade the "Rover" was alone in offering such a mix. "Rover" has succeeded in providing want-a-be bushwhackers the pride of parking the "real deal" in the drive of their raised ranch. Times have been a changing however, and the politically correct pendulum has swung. Crushing through the greenery is no longer as chic as going green, and buyers are spending their green on the "perceived innocence" of crossovers. This has dealt a near "knock out" blow to "Rover" already bloodied by "Rovers" rock bottom reliability and owner satisfaction levels. Land Rover has proven to be entirely unreliable. Now to British aristocrats this is a mere inconvenience that would never persuade them to part with a vehicle that provides them such visual superiority. After all they could always take the Bentley to the polo fields. just as long at they keep it out of the mud, oh the humanity. Living a life of means never requires the need to rush or worry about such trivial things as time. On our shores, especially those in and around Manhattan, those with the good fortune of financial means live lives that are as hectic, if not more so, than those without those means. It is a stark differentiation to the life of leisure that such wealth brings elsewhere.They demand their vehicles to be as dependable as they are, no excuses. They play just as hard as they work and require their vehicles to tow, tote, or drag what ever their hearts desire. In the realm of those with such demands the "starts today, maybe tomorrow" nature of the "Rover" is not appealing. So how will Rover turn around their image? Enter the LR2. The newest Rover is just a babe. It is not aware of the "old money" image it's heirs were required to uphold, nor is it aware of a "Rovers" prerequisite off road ability. It has only heard stories about the jungles of Africa from Grandfather "Range Rover", or the victories of the Camel trophy from it's father, LR3. No ,the young babe LR2 just wants to be the best SUV it can be, without the weight of all the lofty expectations of it's elders. Well I hope this little one gets a "listen" because it truly has what it takes to launch Land Rover's neo nativity.
The LR2 ,in fact, is such a fine product that it could very well become the best selling "Rover". Now "Rover" can't take all the credit for this vehicle. Rovers marriage to Volvo (under the Ford umbrella) has provided a state of the art car chassis and a ,proven, reliable, Volvo strait six that provides the rich power and smoothness of hot fudge sauce. The car based steering and suspension provides , dare we say it, German levels of road feel. The interior stays true to Rovers quality materials that provide an atmosphere of a "hand made coach" in a very similar fashion to England's own Mini. In many ways the LR2 is very reminiscent of what a Mini 4x4 might feel like. If you have outgrown your Mini the LR2 would fall comfortably to hand on the road or in the twisties. Many loyalists however feel this youngster should be "seen and not heard" because it can't be considered a true "Rover" until it proves itself off road. Many from the Rover "BC" feel it is but a "cracker" thrown at customers to placate the PC. Scepticism aside it is entirely capable of putting on the "Ritz" while tackling any off road obstacle to get you to your "Town House", (I'm sorry I couldn't help myself!) LR2, although small and young, is entirely capable. It offers ample ground clearance, a water forging depth of nearly two feet, an engine that takes breath from the rarefied air above the perils of water, snow, or dirt. LR2's approach and departure angles would make even a Jeep blush. LR2's AWD is among the most advanced systems in the world. It permits the driver to dial in the type of situation from sand to snow permitting the AWD to make the needed changes for each setup. LR2 gets this trait from it's father LR3. This is not an Subaru or a Ford Escape wrapped in fancy clothing. Neither have anywhere near the level of off road ability of the LR2. The LR2 stands alone as the only compact SUV that has true off road metal while offering a car based demeanor that is more like a BMW than a Buick. So what could go wrong? For the LR2 to succeed it must surmount more than just rocks. First, it will have to transverse beyond the image of sky high prices, poor reliability, and dismal on road manors of other Land Rovers. People are going to have to give "Rover" another chance to prove itself. Secondly, although clean and handsome, it looks a little to much like other lesser SUV's, such as Fords own Escape, or Mercury's Mariner. Rover is going to have to inform the public that although its "curb appeal" may be a little wanting it is full of tangible tech that places this vehicle on a whole different level than Fords other SUV's. Although $34,000 may seem lofty it comes with absolutely everything you need. Buyers must be aware of the incredible level of content that justifies the price and compares to other equally equipped models. Even a Subaru Outback loaded to the level of the LR2 reaches the mid 30's. Avoid additional packages that can elevate the price towards the 40's and you will be get a very valid value. Thirdly, Rover is going to have to reach out to new buyers, many of whom never thought a "Rover" would be within their means. These are very daunting obstacles that require more than off road ability, they require a change of people's minds. But not to worried because a child can truly bring a new life to the family blessed by it's presence. For Land Rover it's new generation LR2 proves that the family name ,will not just live on, but will have the potential of reincarnating the families image for a whole new generation to come, Now if Volvo and Land Rover could just hurry up and have another bundle of joy that looks a little more like a Range Rover with three rows of seats and that new found reliability it could ensure Rovers future for a long time to come.