On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me a big '
ol Chevy Suburban for dear old dad, so big it should be drawn using
archicad, yet room to spare isn't so bad.

All the space to take the whole clan to the lake when summer first brakes it's cover from the winter flakes,

and with all that ground clearance and
AWD he won't have to hesitate to journey out on a stormy night, ESP will keep the '
burban on the road with all it's might, in fact driving the '
burban in snow is as easy as flying a kite, when the going gets tough it will keep dad out of a snow drift.

all that room for the whole clan is the real gift, dad always loves his family together, whether you choose the 5.3 or 6.0 V8, both make seamless power ,it can tow his airstream without any trouble. A vehicle with a long pedigree, its size and utility are the key to all that longevity.

I know the gas mileage is low, and gas prices are way too high, but that won't keep dad from living life without letting a single day slip by. he'd happily use the money he worked so hard for to get more out of life by experiencing it all , and I know this Suburban will answer the call,

big and roomy, ready for anything, at the extreme end of the automotive scene , yet for dad just what he will need,

a truck so big I think I will need to give dad a deed along with the key.