On the sisxth day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Scion Xb, for brother number two he'll know just what to do. He'll lower it and put on big wheels, even if it means some meals will be skipped to save up the green, he'll make it into one bad machine. The Scion is still the best bang for the buck, only 17 clams and you get a ride with an Emeril bam!

OK it's not as cool to look at as before, and it costs a little more, but now it's a real car, what seals the deal is it can now take on cars costing a lot more, and unlike them it will nor bore. Fit and finish is Lexus grade, this Scion really has it made in the sun, and yes it still is fun, only in a grown up way ,like for example, you can drive all day without feeling like you've been driving a one horse open sleigh. The cornering is flat as a super models physic, and it now has power ,it is no longer meek, it can haul now with the best of them no need to fear that third lane, you'll find the driving experience anything but tame.

The interior is a model for space utility and flexibility, you look out high like nobility this is no mere underpowered econo- "I can't afford a real set of wheels", instead it's unique demeanor will even appeal to the well healed. A four door Swiss army knife, perfect for bro to start his new life of independence and fun, the Xb is not merely a ride but a journey yet begun.